DPA Board Meeting Minutes April 1, 2023

Doylestown Pilot Association Board meeting minutes

April 1, 2023
Location: Keystone Motors Volvo, 235 S. Main Street, Doylestown, PA

President Joe Shandlay Not present
Vice President Marcus Wurtz Present
Treasurer Paul Beaulieu Present
Secretary Jon Sonsteby Present
At Large 1 Paul Koehler Present
At Large 2 Irv Stein Present
Past President Joe Van Houten Present

Non Board attendee: Michael Treacy Present

Meeting objectives:
DPA resurgence in 2023
Website & email system
2023 events discussion and planning

Motion made to extend 2022 DPA Board members for 2023 (see table above)
Seconded and unanimously approved
Fall 2023 meeting will be planned for 2024 officer nominations and voting
Discussed if any board member could take the overall lead on DPA in 2023; all are bandwidth challenged so it will be run equally by the full board

Website, email and membership system
$80 upfront cost, $80 per year operational
Paul Stavrides volunteered to operate the site.
Motion to approve the new site, costs and Paul S to operate
Seconded and unanimously approved

Motion to extend current DPA members and past DPA members through 12/31/24. No dues required for this “Comeback offer”
Seconded and unanimously approved
New membership system / upcoming BCAA hangar mailings
Sonsteby will update the membership form. DIRECT TO THE WEBSITE.
Membership system – can we request check box of interests in the system?
Skyride pilot volunteer
Safety seminars
DPA volunteer (Open House, Scout Day, etc)
Interest in DPA Board role
Airport maintenance
Public relations
Trips (fly-out or via ground)

2023 events planning
AOPA rusty pilots seminar
Wings seminar
Safety around helicopters (turbulence, nearby Temple traffic @ Doylestown hospital)
Scout aviation merit badge in 2023
Flying in pattern at non-towered airports (recent FAAST notification re: KDYL)
Community outreach picnic (historically August)
First responders
Tie into breakfast? A full breakfast had been a staple of DPA for many years
Not sure of volunteer level to support, start the resurgence easy in 2023 without the cost, time and volunteers required
G100UL avgas
Recommendation is to commit to a date, people will start coming
Decided on at least moving forward with 2 events for 2023:
KDYL traffic/pattern safety. (Saturday, June 17th target)
Check with FBO on availability of hangar
Check with FBO / FAAST team on them leading the presentation
Invite local training companies/FBOs (Trenton, Pennridge, Wings, etc)
AOPA Rusty Pilot
Target October or November, co-timed with full DPA member meeting
Reach out to AOPA


Two near misses recently at KDYL


Sonsteby – Notify Paul S of approval to move forward with website, membership system, email system
Sonsteby – Update membership form draft and send to Paul S
Sonsteby – Send current and past membership XLS to Paul S for import to website membership system
Marcus – Check with FBO on availability of pole hanger for meeting events
Marcus – Check with FBO on interest and ability to present KDYL safety content
Koehler – Check with Allentown FAAST on KDYL safety content
Sonsteby – Check with AOPA on ability to support a fall in person Rusty Pilots
Van Houten – Check who was AOPA contact and let Sonsteby know
Stavrides – launch website and membership system